Molding becomes smart.
Along with Smart Mold, a University of Padua spin-off, Sirmax Group revolutionizes injection molding and designs products using innovative simulation systems.
Smart Mold has two business activities. Its first, most innovative activity is to facilitate the processing of recycled plastics. The company, originally founded by the University of Padua, has patented a nano-structured surface finishing for injection molds that decreases injection pressure by up to 25%. This makes it easier to fill molds when using high concentrations of recycled post-consumer plastic.
Smart Mold's second business activity focuses on reducing plastic consumption within a product by using raw materials with a higher added value. Smart Mold supports companies right from the product engineering design stage. It analyzes product applications and their required mechanical characteristics, using advanced software to simulate mechanical behavior and recommending design solutions to reduce weight and the amount of plastic used.