The second Polish plant for thermoplastic elastomers production
Located just a few minutes away from Kutno 1 plant, this new plant is the symbol of Sirmax's constant drive towards the internationalization of its business model, as well as being located in a territory that is very significant for the Group.
The new Polish plant was inaugurated at the end of 2019 and focuses on 3 product categories: specialty compounds (long glass fiber and flame retardant PP compounds), engineering plastics, and thermoplastic elastomers (TPE). At full capacity, Kutno 2 will reach a production capacity of 70.000 tons per year.
Kutno 2 also hosts the global R&D department focused on the development of TPEs .
Production Plant and TPE R&D
Total surface area
56.800 sqm
Production surface area
12.500 sqm
Actual Production capacity
30 kton/yr
Sirmax Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Odlewnicza 2
99-300 Kutno- Poland
+48 (0) 24 357 4600